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Slike, ah te slike
4 posters
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Slike, ah te slike
Primjetio sam da mi se jakooo sporo otvaraju slike u nekoj temi ako ih ima malo više. Jeli to do foruma ili računala?
stari- Porucnik fregate
Posts : 1058
Reputation : 429
Član od : 28.08.2013
Dob : 78
Sjedište : Kastav
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Jesi li ispraznio takozvani "internet cash", privremenu memoriju na disku? U nju se učitavaju sadržaji s interneta prije nego što se pokažu u tvom pregledniku (kod tebe Google Chrome).
Dida- Kontraadmiral
Posts : 2172
Reputation : 359
Član od : 20.07.2013
Dob : 83
Sjedište : Sisak
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Stari, morti ti ovo pomogne :
Reduce Chrome memory
You can see how much memory Chrome is using overall, and which tasks within Chrome are using the most. If certain ones are hogging a lot of memory, you may want to remove them.
Check overall Chrome memory usage
To see how much memory Chrome is using overall, use your system Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac).
On your keyboard, press Control + Alt + Delete buttons at the same time.
Select Task Manager
Click the Processes tab how much CPU and Memory data Chrome is using.
On your computer, open the folders Applications > Utilities.
Open Activity Monitor.
Click the CPU and Memory tabs to see how much data Chrome is using.
Free up memory
To free up memory, close out tasks (processes) in Chrome's built-in Task Manager. Look for tasks you no longer need that are using a lot of resources, such as a video or an app.
In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
Select More tools > Task Manager.
Click “Memory” to sort Chrome processes in order of memory usage.
Select the task you want to close.
Click the End Process button. Note: any unsaved work in your task will be lost.
If an extension consistently uses a lot of memory, consider turning it off entirely. Here's how:
In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
Select More tools > Extensions.
To turn off an extension, uncheck the Enabled checkbox next to it.
Learn more about managing extensions
Tips for saving memory
As apps and sites get more powerful, may Chrome require more computer resources to run them. Here are some ways to lower Chrome memory usage on an ongoing basis:
Try keeping open tabs to a minimum. Close the ones you're not using.
Avoid running multiple apps at once.
If needed, try resetting Chrome's browser settings so that it runs like it did when it was first installed.
Keep an eye out for unfamiliar or unwanted tasks and extensions. Sometimes a task will look like it's eating up a lot of memory, but it’s actually due to an extension or other task interfering. Consider deleting any extension you know you didn't install yourself.
Reduce Chrome memory
You can see how much memory Chrome is using overall, and which tasks within Chrome are using the most. If certain ones are hogging a lot of memory, you may want to remove them.
Check overall Chrome memory usage
To see how much memory Chrome is using overall, use your system Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac).
On your keyboard, press Control + Alt + Delete buttons at the same time.
Select Task Manager
Click the Processes tab how much CPU and Memory data Chrome is using.
On your computer, open the folders Applications > Utilities.
Open Activity Monitor.
Click the CPU and Memory tabs to see how much data Chrome is using.
Free up memory
To free up memory, close out tasks (processes) in Chrome's built-in Task Manager. Look for tasks you no longer need that are using a lot of resources, such as a video or an app.
In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
Select More tools > Task Manager.
Click “Memory” to sort Chrome processes in order of memory usage.
Select the task you want to close.
Click the End Process button. Note: any unsaved work in your task will be lost.
If an extension consistently uses a lot of memory, consider turning it off entirely. Here's how:
In the top-right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
Select More tools > Extensions.
To turn off an extension, uncheck the Enabled checkbox next to it.
Learn more about managing extensions
Tips for saving memory
As apps and sites get more powerful, may Chrome require more computer resources to run them. Here are some ways to lower Chrome memory usage on an ongoing basis:
Try keeping open tabs to a minimum. Close the ones you're not using.
Avoid running multiple apps at once.
If needed, try resetting Chrome's browser settings so that it runs like it did when it was first installed.
Keep an eye out for unfamiliar or unwanted tasks and extensions. Sometimes a task will look like it's eating up a lot of memory, but it’s actually due to an extension or other task interfering. Consider deleting any extension you know you didn't install yourself.
Tomislav Viljetić- Preminuo
Posts : 583
Reputation : 243
Član od : 27.07.2013
Dob : 78
Sjedište : Zagreb
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Stari, jesi li riješio problem?
Dida- Kontraadmiral
Posts : 2172
Reputation : 359
Član od : 20.07.2013
Dob : 83
Sjedište : Sisak
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Nismo još, sin očistio "internet cash" i jedino sam izgubio "login" na nekim stranicama. Čekam sina za dalje.
Inače, konkretni problem je: otvaranjem teme makete u radu, Chebec Le Requim, Leut je postavio "brdo" slika i da se otvore, trebam čekati do 1min, a nekad se otvore za 10sec.
Inače, konkretni problem je: otvaranjem teme makete u radu, Chebec Le Requim, Leut je postavio "brdo" slika i da se otvore, trebam čekati do 1min, a nekad se otvore za 10sec.
stari- Porucnik fregate
Posts : 1058
Reputation : 429
Član od : 28.08.2013
Dob : 78
Sjedište : Kastav
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Stari, ti si sretan čovik. Ja, kad otvorim šebeka, imam toliko vrimena da skuham padelu brudeta, i još malo pričekam, da se post otvori do kraja. ( 2 GB RAM-a, CPU Pentium 4. hard 160 GB S-ATA)
Malo poboljšanje brzine otvaranja stranice imao sam nakon defragmentacije diska - diskova.
Mislim da je jedino rješenje, kad je u pitanju post s puno fotografija, nadograditi RAM s još par GB,ili kuhati brodet.
Malo poboljšanje brzine otvaranja stranice imao sam nakon defragmentacije diska - diskova.
Mislim da je jedino rješenje, kad je u pitanju post s puno fotografija, nadograditi RAM s još par GB,ili kuhati brodet.
Tomislav Viljetić- Preminuo
Posts : 583
Reputation : 243
Član od : 27.07.2013
Dob : 78
Sjedište : Zagreb
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Zato je dobro staviti samo pet slika u jednu objavu. Pet slika se otvori brže od petnaest.
Dida- Kontraadmiral
Posts : 2172
Reputation : 359
Član od : 20.07.2013
Dob : 83
Sjedište : Sisak
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Nije Leut kriv, ja sam.
Sljedeći put smanjit ću broj slika po postu. Postavljanje ide dosta sporo pa sam našao mogućnost da to brže obavim.... izgleda da baš rezultat nije dobar
Sljedeći put smanjit ću broj slika po postu. Postavljanje ide dosta sporo pa sam našao mogućnost da to brže obavim.... izgleda da baš rezultat nije dobar
Matija- Administrator
Posts : 890
Reputation : 964
Član od : 06.02.2014
Dob : 61
Sjedište : Njivice / Krk
Re: Slike, ah te slike
Baš je žena odlučila sutra kuhat brodet, a ja ću dodati još 2GB RAM-a (imam i ja 2GB) kad stigne penzija.
stari- Porucnik fregate
Posts : 1058
Reputation : 429
Član od : 28.08.2013
Dob : 78
Sjedište : Kastav
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